How long have you been a BUH member?
About 4 years. I wanted to run in a group again, make some friends and get a bit fitter. Bolton was my local club so I turned up one evening.
Why did you take athletics up?
I was about 8 and on holiday with my family in Wales. We were sat on a beach and I noticed a lady starting to draw out lines in the sand to form a track and children gathering around. I joined in, ran a race and got a stick of rock for winning. I went back to the start, ran another race and got another stick of rock. I kept doing this until I had enough sticks of rock for all my family. I thought this is brilliant, I’d found my sport !
Who inspired you as a junior?
Jo Pavey is an inspiration. A five time Olympian, mother and really nice person.
Favourite training session?
Smithills hills. We start at the bottom next to the farm and do sets of reps up different sections of the hill till you reach the very top. The views are beautiful at the top and if you’re lucky the llamas come out too !
Most challenging training session?
800s. Its an uncomfortable distance. Too long for a sprint, too short for endurance.
Most important piece of kit?
Self-belief over kit.
Any superstitions?
No, just get on with it.
Pre and post race nutrition advice?
I’d have porridge before a race and a banana. Post race I’d drink lots of water, a protein shake, banana, cereal bar, rocky road, anything to replenish really.
Any advice in preparing for a race?
Try not to worry, nerves kick in naturally. Trust in the training you have put into your body.
Greatest achievement?
Silver medal U23’s French National championships for Cross country and 5000m 2001/2002. I don’t want to live in the past though so more recently in 2019 10k V35 England selection and a Pb I am almost proud of (35:56).
Favourite inspirational quote and by whom?
Optimism is the foundation of courage – Nicholas M Butler.
Favourite food?
Nutella on crumpets. It melts in and seeps through the holes. Great after a long Sunday run.
If you weren’t an athlete what sport would you have taken up?
I did every sport growing up; netball, tennis, swimming, shooting, climbing. I made the best friends and had the most fun through running though.